Fundamentalism in contemporary Islamic thought

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Adem Aygün


Islamic fundamentalism in connection with terrorism and acts of violence committed in the name of Islam has become one of the most dominant phenomena of our times. This article unearths the historic-theological roots of this emerging phenomenon and traces its reproduction in contemporary Islamic thought. In part, Islamic fundamentalism is characterised by an ideology of resistance, as embodied in Salafism, yet it also shares demonstrable similarity with the general concept of fundamentalism. The conditions that gave rise to Islamic fundamentalism are as manifold as multi-layered. Countering them requires a longterm  view on preventative actions. In this regard, the article proposes a number of educational approaches to address fundamentalist ideology, the frictions it causes between Islam and Western cultures and the destructive effect it has on the social integration of Muslims in these societies.

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How to Cite
Aygün, A. (2021). Fundamentalism in contemporary Islamic thought. LIMINA - Grazer Theologische Perspektiven, 4(1), 107–129. Retrieved from
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