Die Macht der Ohnmächtigen Eine biblisch-theologische Spurensuche

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Andrea Taschl-Erber


Biblical prayers and hymns – particularly those attributed to female figures – create eloquent counter-images of protest and hope with subversive potential in light of repressive power structures and discourses. They invoke experiences of a redemptive and delivering God who sees the need of the needy, helps the poor with faithful mercy, delivers powerful justice for the “weak” against the machinations of the “strong”, supports the powerless in their resistance, and puts an end to wars. Exemplary texts from the OT (1 Samuel 2,1-10; Judith) and NT (Luke 1,46-55) show how traditional gender constructions of male connotated power and female represented powerlessness are reproduced and transcended.

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How to Cite
Taschl-Erber, A. (2018). Die Macht der Ohnmächtigen: Eine biblisch-theologische Spurensuche. LIMINA - Grazer Theologische Perspektiven, 1(1), 68–91. Retrieved from https://limina-graz.eu/index.php/limina/article/view/12
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