The future of theologie Making premises transparent and building professional competencies for teachers

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Eva-Maria Spiegelhalter


If we think about the future of theology, we must speak about the situation of religion in society today. Fewer people identify as Christians while more people feel a great distance from religion or do not follow any religion at all. This gives rise to pressing challenges for theology. On the one hand, theology must make its epistemological assumptions and premises transparent. On the other hand, normative concepts of what it means to be human must be fundamentally reconsidered. Further, the political dimension of faith must be addressed. These topics offer new impetuses for the design and content of university courses, which expand students’ professional competencies to confidently navigate a less faithful society.

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How to Cite
Spiegelhalter, E.-M. (2023). The future of theologie: Making premises transparent and building professional competencies for teachers. LIMINA - Grazer Theologische Perspektiven, 6(1), 156–173. Retrieved from
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