Eschato-phony The eschatological dimension of music

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Dorothee Bauer


Music is said to transcend time and transport us into “other worlds”. This article explores the interference between music and eschatology from musical-aesthetic and theological perspectives. Medieval depictions of angel concerts serve as the starting point to trace a connection between heavenly and earthly liturgy. The theological language of metaphors and images will then be contrasted with music as a non-verbal medium that seeks to communicate the ineffable. For further reflection, the musical aesthetics of the famous composer Olivier ­Messiaen (1908–1992) are presented. His colourful music attempts a “breakthrough” towards the beyond. Finally, this article proposes the thesis that the eschatological tension between the reality of salvation that can already be experienced in lifetime and the still pending fulfilment, between anticipation of heavenly harmonies and deprivation, can also be accessed through music.

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How to Cite
Bauer, D. (2024). Eschato-phony: The eschatological dimension of music. LIMINA - Grazer Theologische Perspektiven, 7(1), 34–52. Retrieved from
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