Menschenrechte, Demokratie und Religionen

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Peter G. Kirchschläger


Human rights guarantee human dignity for all people. The right to political participation is one of the essential elements of human existence that determine the survival and the life of people, and thus falls under the protection of human rights. Democracy and human rights are intertwined and form an insepar able unit. Firstly, this article provides a deeper understanding of the relationship between democracy and human rights. It then investigates the link between human rights and religions. Lastly, a question of which responsibility religious and ideological communities hold with regard to human rights will be posed.


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How to Cite
Kirchschläger, P. G. (2019). Menschenrechte, Demokratie und Religionen. LIMINA - Grazer Theologische Perspektiven, 2(1), 17–39. Retrieved from
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