Christian Kakistocracy On the momentous alliance between evangelical and fundamentalist American Protestantism and Donald Trump

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Kurt Remele


The term kakistocracy denotes a system of government which is run by the worst, least qualified and most unscrupulous citizens. Many USAmericans believe that their homeland has become a kakistocracy under President Donald Trump. However, Trump is widely supported by certain Christians, especially  those that go to church frequently. Support for Trump is particularly high among evangelical and fundamentalist Christians. Quite a few among them view Trump as their ‘dream president’. The article wants to contribute to a better understanding of the reasons for this strange and problematic symbiosis. It also critically questions this support from the perspective of Christian social ethics and theology.

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How to Cite
Remele, K. (2019). Christian Kakistocracy: On the momentous alliance between evangelical and fundamentalist American Protestantism and Donald Trump. LIMINA - Grazer Theologische Perspektiven, 2(1), 138–160. Retrieved from
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