Between Hope and Violence Issues of freedom in religious contexts

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Reinhold Esterbauer


Current neuroscientific findings make freedom appear to be an illusion. But even if one believes that freedom exists, there are two issues to consider: First, the time-based nature of freedom and thus free (autonomous) identity construction can easily be misunderstood, particularly in the context of freedom in religion. Second, there is a potential to preach a universalism of truth and sacralise the Divine. In response and in contrast, this article proposes that hope provides a key dimension and argues that the relativization of numinosity is an important requirement for freedom in religion. This presents the only solution that – according to this theory – allows the negation of violence through violence to be countered by the invocation of the Good as an essential attribute of freedom in religion.

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How to Cite
Esterbauer, R. (2019). Between Hope and Violence: Issues of freedom in religious contexts. LIMINA - Grazer Theologische Perspektiven, 2(2), 107–129. Retrieved from
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