Der Religionsunterricht zwischen Macht und Bildung Perspektiven für seine Zukunftsfähigkeit

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Bernhard Grümme


Some regard religious education as a “moratorium of the seriousness of life” (Bernhard Dressler). This is certainly true in the sense that learning happens outside immediate societal and economic practicalities and the idea is to instil a sense of educated autonomy in students. At the same time, however, this notion risks to underestimate the influence of hegemonic processes on religious education and their reproduction through the same. The present article aims to carefully raise awareness, provide a critical reflection, and present resources for intervention.

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How to Cite
Grümme, B. (2018). Der Religionsunterricht zwischen Macht und Bildung: Perspektiven für seine Zukunftsfähigkeit. LIMINA - Grazer Theologische Perspektiven, 1(1), 141–163. Retrieved from
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