AI – artist or tool? Grenzfindungsversuch maschineller Intelligenz hinsichtlich der Schaffung von Kunstwerken

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Eugen Dolezal
Moritz Windegger


This paper aims to determine whether products of artificial intelligences can constitute art, whether these products differ from art produced by humans, and how such difference can be defined. In investigating these questions, the paper considers Walter Benjamin’s thoughts on the mechanical reproduction of works of art, it explains the basic functionality of artificial intelligences based on algorithms and neural networks, and it draws a boundary between human and mechanical art based on Edith Steins’ understanding of freedom and personhood. It will be concluded that artificial intelligences are not able to create art in the same way that humans can; they are tools of artistic processes rather than “artists”.

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How to Cite
Dolezal, E., & Windegger, M. (2020). AI – artist or tool? Grenzfindungsversuch maschineller Intelligenz hinsichtlich der Schaffung von Kunstwerken. LIMINA - Grazer Theologische Perspektiven, 3(2), 217–235. Retrieved from
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