Are machines allowed to replace human mercy? A legal perspective

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Karl Stöger


In recent years the application of new (digital) technologies in nursing and care has been increasingly discussed, not least because of a shortage of nursing and care staff. The digitalisation of nursing and care work not only poses numerous ethical but also legal challenges. The present paper focuses on some of these challenges, thus providing an additional point of view beyond that of ethics. First, a human rights perspective on the question to what extent human nursing and care is allowed to be replaced by machines will be presented. Further issues that will be raised, which also but not exclusively relate to nursing and care, are data protection with regard to digital monitoring and nursing/care as well as the potential legal entity of nursing and care systems which may act autonomously in the future.

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How to Cite
Stöger, K. (2020). Are machines allowed to replace human mercy? A legal perspective. LIMINA - Grazer Theologische Perspektiven, 3(2), 131–148. Retrieved from
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