Community and digitisation Challenges for a future-facing theology

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João Manuel Duque


The main premise that guides the focus of this article is that the mission of the church and corresponding tasks of theology as well as the mission of the university and its corresponding framework must be determined by societal expectations and prominent social processes. Following on from this, the present investigation seeks to understand the interplay of two salient topoi of modern society: the implication of the digitisation of human interactions, and the political and anthropological dimensions of community dynamics. The contemplations in this article should be analysed within the context of digitally mediated relationships as a profound transformation of the public space. The underlying pillars of this investigation are Michel de Certeau’s anthropology of the every­day and Ro­ber­to Esposito’s philosophy of community. Finally, the presented findings offer a theological application in the form of guidance for theologians bridging the gap between ecclesial and academic spheres as well as guidance for understanding current social dynamics through ecclesial and academic contexts.

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How to Cite
Duque, J. M. (2023). Community and digitisation: Challenges for a future-facing theology. LIMINA - Grazer Theologische Perspektiven, 6(1), 113–132. Retrieved from
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