The Exodus paradigm Liberation as a resonant relationship experience

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Irmtraud Fischer


This article aims to provide an understanding of the Exodus in Biblical texts as a resonant and thus reciprocal relationship experience based on Hartmut Rosa’s four axes of resonance – vertical, horizontal, diagonal and with oneself: God does not liberate people without efforts of their own from perilous situations, and they rely on the help of their fellow humans, who in turn can expect solidarity. In the liminal space that is newly created after being freed from oppression and by establishing something new, however, there also lies the danger of transfiguring the past – the proverbial “pots of meat in Egypt” – or not trusting a helping hand. This is addressed several times in the desert stories when talking about the conflict surrounding leading figures and the rebellion against God the saviour.

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How to Cite
Fischer, I. (2019). The Exodus paradigm: Liberation as a resonant relationship experience. LIMINA - Grazer Theologische Perspektiven, 2(2), 17–34. Retrieved from
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