LIMINA - Theological perspectives from Graz is the scientific open-access journal of the Faculty of Catholic Theology at the University of Graz. The thematic focus of LIMINA is on current transformation processes and is oriented towards the following questions: What are the socially, culturally, politically, religiously and ecclesiastically most challenging changes and upheavals of the present? How can these be addressed from a theological perspective? In what way do they require innovative methodological and interdisciplinary approaches? How do these changes and conflicts transform theology itself?

Call for Papers - Peace in Times of Political and Moral Uncertainty


We are looking for innovative articles for LIMINA 8:2 (Autumn 2025): " Peace in Times of Political and Moral Uncertainty ".

Given current environmental, political, military, social and technological developments, the challenge is to constantly rethink peace and to develop concepts of peace that honour traditional religious or political ideas of peace while also taking new changes into account.

Deadline for outline submission: December 16, 2024

Vol. 7 No. 2 (2024): Spiritualities. Forever longing, forging new paths?

Our longing for inner and external peace, for social justice and a good life for all, and for purpose and happiness can motivate vastly different actions in humanity’s and individual’s search for it. Primarily, this searching translates into sets of values and beliefs that are often tied to religious ideas and practices, or represent a religious expression in themselves.

Spirituality, however, is not to be equated with practicing a religion. The growing popularity of the term spirituality along with a continuously expanding offering of spiritual concepts, guides and practices raise questions within religious studies, theology and philosophy about an epochal shift in the relationship and interplay between worldviews, religious beliefs, denominational faith and different spiritualities. 

Published: 2024-11-15

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