Issue 7:1 of LIMINA – Theological Perspectives from Graz sets out to discover the possibilities and effects of sound, rhythm and music. The plethora of articles combine current ideas in music and sound research with insights from art and cultural studies and add reflections from a philosophical and theological dimension. The authors seek to understand how sound and music affect and effect our perception of the self as well as the world, and whether auditory and musical experiences can open up and transmit transcendence. They explore the potential linguisticality of music as well as its power to (re)shape the order of time and rhythm.

With this multi-dimensional exploration of “resonating worlds”, LIMINA hopes to reflect the profound effect and universal presence of music within art and culture, personal and societal approaches and interpretations of life, as well as religious expression and transcendental experiences. Music “opens up a singular world within our lifeworld […]. The musical idea remains an awe-inspiring mystery – astonishing as the miracle of all miracles: that there is being.” (Günther Pöltner)

Published: 2024-05-15